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人们常常感到困惑什么是营销和品牌。在亚洲,特别是在中国,这是你的品牌的感知价值,决定了是否会畅销由于独特的文化元素受到亚洲只有这是? ? facea ? AA�。在营养空间,更关键的是。只有在亚洲? ? facea ?AA�如此重要。接收或失去的脸上是什么驱使大量文化在日常生活的许多领域,包括购买决定人们穿什么,消费,或与反射的自己。在中国你会经常看到它是2 - 3个品牌占据了可能高达整个销售额的90%在一个类别的产品,而在西方这可能是100品牌或弥补80%的销售在一个类别。你的品牌可以带给一个人的脸如果它是众所周知的,可信的,还是独特的和? ? coola ? AA�。相反,它将失去价值,如果是闻所未闻的或没有明显的差异和价值。忘记销售渠道,甚至在中国的营销策略作为你的主焦点;让你的品牌建设和品牌定位,销售和营销很容易在中国市场。 Branding is now not just a singular approach or locked within one department of a company. A modern 2020 version CEO should have a strong finger on the pulse of what is his brand story and brand positioning in the marketplace at all times is and appreciate that every single component of the customer's experience is tied into the brand. Logistics, packaging, customer service, social media, colour, brand name, taste, science, dollar value and sponsorship. Everything is associated with your brand and builds it or brings it down. In the nutrition space, the right brand positioning and brand strategy, it gives your sales and marketing people the ability to create greater sales conversion thus less effort is needed and expense on marketing and sales strategies. Sales conversion is key, and the right brand strategy and brand building activities can help make this far more cost effective.
