,卷:10(1)DOI: 10.37532/2277-288X.2020.10(1).142


过度依赖使用杀虫剂导致了抗药性,并在全球控制蚊子方面带来了重大挑战。2017年,新奥尔良市蚊子、白蚁和啮齿动物控制委员会(NOMTRCB)评估了一种工程珍珠岩产品(Imergard WP, Imerys, Paris, France)在洪都拉斯蒙特佛得的野外和实验室中对抗蚊子的效果。对蚊子的控制是严格的机械控制,配方中不含化学杀虫剂。目的是确定IMERGARD WP在结构内部和外部入口点应用时的功效,以及生物测定中的残留效应。介绍:选择在蒙特佛得岛使用Imergard WP进行室内和缝隙处理,是因为该地区蚊子数量多,人类接触蚊子的几率高(缺乏防虫措施),疾病的可能性大,居民参与研究的可及性和意愿都很好。2016年寨卡病毒在当地传播,登革热发烧,还有蒙特佛得角的基孔肯雅热。蒙特佛得岛是一个经济萧条的社区,位于洪都拉斯圣佩德罗苏拉的郊区,有300栋建筑。这些房屋的窗户或门上没有纱窗(图1),而且有很大的缝隙,容易受到蚊子的入侵。蒙特佛得岛的居民没有自来水,也没有室内管道,厕所都在室外。许多房子都有手工挖的井,井里铺着卡车轮胎(图2)。当水泵每5到8天打开一次,持续1小时来分配水时,会使用水桶和55加仑桶等容器来储存水(图3)。每所房子都有一个室外或室内的盆,叫做pila,里面装满了水。储存的水用于做饭、洗澡、洗衣、洗碗等。每栋房子都有大量的容器和死水,为蚊子繁殖创造了理想的栖息地。Imergard WP由无定形铝硅酸盐(也称为珍珠岩)制成,起源于熔岩(图4)。珍珠岩由火山玻璃制成(图5),其内部结构中含有水。当快速加热时,产生的蒸汽会使玻璃膨胀形成泡沫结构(图6)。然后将其粉碎成细粉末(图7),并与水混合,作为机械杀虫剂涂抹在表面(图8)。一只成年蚊子在飞行时产生静电荷,降落在经过IMERGARD WP处理的表面时,机械杀虫剂就会发生静态转移。 Materials and Methods A baseline survey was conducted to determine mosquito pressure and population (species of mosquitoes) on 24 houses (Figure 9). Twenty homes were selected for the study. The sites were divided into 2 groups, 10 treatments (Imergard WP), and 10 controls (no treatment). Houses were chosen with similar structure and yard size. Every house had a pila (Figure 10). One pound of Imergard wettable powder was added to a 2 gallon container with 1 gallon of water and agitated by hand (shaken in the container) and a second gallon of water was added to prevent clumping. A Stihl handheld sprayer (model SG31 and SG11, Stihl Corp., Virginia Beach, VA.) was used to apply the treatment. The interior of each treatment house had Imergard WP applied onto the upper 1/3 perimeter of the walls, window sills, door frames, behind head boards and under beds (Figure 11). It was also applied onto the upper 1/3 perimeter of exterior walls of treatment houses and surrounding outer structures (pilas and overhanging structures, etc.). Each treatment house was sprayed with approximately 2 gallons of the formulation. The product was applied when the weather was dry with little to no wind to prevent drift and allow product time to set. The mosquito population at all sites was monitored twice in one week pre-treatment and ten weeks post-treatment. Mosquitoes were monitored one night per week at each site. Mosquitoes were collected by a BG 2 Sentinel trap (Biogents AG, Regensburg, Germany). BG Sentinel traps were baited with a BG-Lure cartridge (Biogents AG, Regensburg, Germany) and dry ice in a Styrofoam cup was placed next to each BG trap as an added attractant (Figure 12). All collections were brought into the laboratory, frozen and then identified and counted. Ovicups were placed inside the house and outside the structure to measure mosquito breeding levels in treatment areas versus non treated areas. The cups were serviced once per week and seed germination paper was photographed and eggs were counted (Figure 13). Bioassays were conducted using a cement substrate (2” x 1” 1/4'’ chips) to mimic housing material. Half the chips were treated with Imergard WP and allowed to dry. The control chips were not treated. The chips were placed inside each house under the table or bench at each site. Three cement chips were collected weekly from each site for the bioassays. Each cement chip was placed in a plastic bag, labeled and shipped to New Orleans Mosquito Control’s laboratory overnight for testing. Cement substrates were placed into 9 ounce plastic cups (Schneider Paper Products, Inc. New Orleans, Louisiana) with mesh lids to allow mosquitoes to rest on the treated cement (Figure 14). The three物种用于生物测定的蚊种为埃及伊蚊、白纹伊蚊和致倦库蚊。在每个生物测定杯的筛网上放置一个浸泡在10%糖水溶液中的棉球,以提供食物来源。然后将蚊子放置在温度(80ºF)和湿度(78%)调节的房间中。在1小时和24小时监测蚊子死亡率。结果物种采集的蚊种包括埃及伊蚊、致倦库蚊和微扰库蚊。从采集的BG2哨兵捕集器中鉴定出成年埃及伊蚊。收集的样本显示,在使用Imergard WP的前两周后,埃及伊蚊的成年蚊子数量略有减少(图15)。在为期10周的试验中,在6月20日的热带低气压和其他降雨事件后,蚊子的数量有所增加。


过度依赖使用杀虫剂导致了抗药性,并在全球控制蚊子方面带来了重大挑战。2017年,新奥尔良市蚊子、白蚁和啮齿动物控制委员会(NOMTRCB)评估了一种工程珍珠岩产品(Imergard WP, Imerys, Paris, France)在洪都拉斯蒙特佛得的野外和实验室中对抗蚊子的效果。对蚊子的控制是严格的机械控制,配方中不含化学杀虫剂。目的是确定IMERGARD WP在结构内部和外部入口点应用时的功效,以及生物测定中的残留效应。
