

在整个人类历史上,有特色的植物项目一直被用于不同的目的。与生物共同进化的植物中,有相当多的植物已经有数十亿年的历史了。大量的这些物质是由高等植物产生的辅助代谢物,作为对抗疾病和污染的典型防御系统。这些正常项目中有相当一部分具有药理学或自然作用,可能在药物用药披露和药物结构中被滥用。从植物中提取的药物在许多社会的社会保险中起着至关重要的作用,无论是古代的还是现代的(Newman, Cragg, and Sander 2003;巴特勒2004;Balunas and Kinghorn 2005;Gurib-Fakim 2006;纽曼和克雷格2007)。印度的包罗万象的药物安排被称为“阿育吠陀”,主要利用植物性药物或细节来治疗不同的疾病,包括恶性生长。 Of the in any event 877 little particle drugs presented worldwide somewhere in the range of 1981 and 2002, the starting points of generally (61%) can be followed to characteristic items (Newman and Cragg 2007). Albeit numerous engineered drugs are created through combinatorial science, plant-based medications are increasingly reasonable, in any event in biochemical terms, for human use. In any case, present day medication has neither held in high regard nor empowered the therapeutic utilization of normal items. urmeric is a flavor that originates from the turmeric plant. It is usually utilized in Asian food. You most likely know turmeric as the principle flavor in curry. It has a warm, harsh taste and is often used to flavor or shading curry powders, mustards, margarines, and cheeses. Be that as it may, the foundation of turmeric is additionally utilized generally to make medication. It contains a yellow-hued synthetic called curcumin, which is frequently used to shading nourishments and beautifiers.姜黄通常用于包括折磨和加重的条件,例如,骨关节炎。它同样用于发烧、沮丧、高胆固醇、一种肝病和刺痛。一些人用姜黄来胃酸倒流思维和记忆能力,挑衅性肠道感染,压力和许多不同的条件,但没有像样的逻辑证据来帮助这些就业。


