

,数量:6 (1)

记得理查德·P费曼:Devia ser em portugues !

ibsen Pinheiro马里奥·j .葡京,Instituto Tecnico优越——坚持大学- UL,葡萄牙,电话:+ 351217967624;电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


引用:马里奥JP。记得理查德·p·费曼:Devia ser em portugues !。J空间空洞。2017;6 (1):115。




我在里斯本,遇见了理查德·费曼在1981年,当我还是一个年轻的物理学学生在巴黎。他是诺贝尔奖获得者,著名的科学的人。我不知道他本人,不知道他是什么样子,但我想见到他,所以我花了一整天在国际会议上高找他能源物理,从7月9日至15日在里斯本举行。因为我不知道如何找到他,我走来,格哈德•t 'Hooft问,他当时没有一个诺贝尔奖得主。惊讶我的问题,t 'Hooft回答:\他就在几秒钟前。”As I continued looking for Feynman, I noticed a relaxed-looking man sitting on a nearby chair, staring at me with a funny expression on his face. As the young and solemn science guy, I supposed to be, I didn't like that at all, and I showed this staring man my displeasure with a disapproving look. Come on! I was a serious student, looking for Feynman! Later, near the end of the conference, I was sitting in the lecture hall, listening attentively to the talk given by t'Hooft, when the staring man arrived and sat in the same row of chairs, once again openly, shamelessly looking at me. I was earnestly taking notes, eager to see and hear the last scheduled talk of the day, which was to be given by Feynman. I was incensed with this brazenly staring gentlemen! Finally, t'Hooft finished his talk. I was happy because I had grasped the meaning of his presentation and was eagerly anticipating what was to come. Then the next speaker appeared on the stage. It was the guy who had exasperated me! It was Feynman! He gave a simple, clear description of his own theory of quantum chromodynamics and was so at ease while lecturing that, noticing he had inadvertently left his trouser zipper open, he simply zipped it closed again while continuing to effortlessly explain his ideas. At the end of the day, discouraged by my adventurous but unsuccessful attempt to talk with the Genius, I was leaving the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, where all the drama had taken place, when unexpectedly, I saw him bent over a table, apparently making calculations (or drawing?). Summoning all my courage, I went straight to him and asked, \Are you Mr. Richard P. Feynman?" (I must say that at the time, I was accustomed to using the general expression Messieurs, as the French still use today, no matter the social position of the individual, a consequence of the French Revolution). He turned slowly, with a playfully wicked expression, and responded, \Yes, that's me." He straighten his slim, tall, tanned body to look me straight in the eyes, with a twinkle in his own. I asked if he could write something in one page of the book I had with me, a text about quantum mechanics he had authored (图。1)。他回答说,\确定,给我你的书,”,并指出他的手的方向我带着我的手提箱。他仔细地看了一下体积我递给他,他的法语翻译写作,很明显不悦,说:\ Devia ser em Portugues !”(\It should be in Portuguese!"). His indignation beautifully conveyed his conviction that we in Portugal should have scientific literature in our own language.


图1:Devia ser em Portugues !(\应该在葡萄牙!”)在费曼独特的书法。

然后他直接写在标题页(图。1)和一个漂亮的书法,看起来几乎维多利亚时代。他把书递给我,费曼告诉我,30岁\欧盟昕薇没有巴西!”(I lived 30 years in Brazil!"). Recognizing something wrong in his phrase, he quickly apologized, saying sometimes he confused Portuguese with Spanish (in truth, he lived about three years in Brazil). With complete ease, he continued visiting with me, even making a gesture to me for wait for him while he said goodbye to another well-known physicist. As we walked slowly up the stairs to the outside door, I asked if I could send him an article I (as a matter, only published in 2013, see1) [1]。他立即回答:\没有,绝对没有!”I asked, \Is that your politics?" (I inquired, using the word wrongly, because I really meant policy") \No, nothing of politics!" he responded, stopping and looking at me with an authoritative expression. He explained that he never looked at the work of others unless that work focused on fundamentals; otherwise, he didn't wish be distracted and浪费时间。我明白了。他跟我说一点,公开和令人高兴的是,当我们站在入口处的张Gulbenkian基金会,直到他说,\ Boa noite !”(\Good night!") and walked away, comfortably alone in the streets of Lisbon.


