

数量:16 (9)


波西•史密斯印度日报》编辑部,有机化学:英国汉普郡;电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

收到:9月- 05 - 2022;接受:9月- 07 - 2022;发表:2022年9月- 25

引用:史密斯e . G化学制药和医疗。Org。化学。:印度j . 2022;16(8):1 - 2©2022LD乐动体育官网贸易科技有限公司




几个科学家相信举行新的药物会产生前进基于知识的化学结构和生物活性之间的连接。“很快,药典将构建基于结构之间的相关性和行动。”Both "Soon doctors will have series of药物为了效力的影响几乎所有的生理活动”(勃氏,1889)11和“理查森,1877,“14过于悲观预测。他们之后更加务实的观点。

根据霍普金斯(1901),12“事情非常令人失望的方式发展。”Structure-activity correlations were "investigated so intensely that one had a very clear picture of the scope of our ignorance," according to renowned pharmacologist Clark15, in 1937. Although there was a lot of excitement about the potential for the development of new medications at the end of the 19th century, not a lot of exciting things occurred during the course of the next fifty years. The development of new treatments remained a trial-and-error procedure. The absence of substantive advancement has a number of causes. The most significant was the near total lack of any trustworthy knowledge of physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms. The lack of understanding of the true structure of the produced compounds was a nearly as significant factor. The main concern was—and, in some ways, still is—what mechanism of action a molecule uses to get a particular result. Despite the lack of knowledge regarding the mechanisms underlying the biological activity of organic compounds, numerous efficient brand-new medications have been found and developed during the first 60 years of the 20th世纪。药物治疗的延误发展一直是一个重要的问题,。体内实验几乎总是用于药理研究。显然,非主动原则的最终因素与目标交互影响体内试验结果。活动最终测量是影响吸收,分布,代谢,排泄和交互与其他网站。因此,结构和活动之间的联系仍然很不稳定。尤其是鲁道夫·马格纳斯(1873 - 1927)认可的好处在早期使用独立的器官。然而,生物科学的进步开辟了新的视角。机械的受体被拆卸。受体蛋白质,成立一个螺旋结构; ion-channels were chemically characterised along with their function; and intracellular receptors were given their proper location. Orphan receptors—proteins with no known physiological functions—were discovered. Lefkowitz coined the term "reversed pharmacology" to describe these receptors. Such receptors might eventually be deorphanized. The new opportunities for medicinal chemistry were significantly impacted by the advancements. A second exciting result was achieved using molecular methods immediately after the first. The identification of spontaneously activated receptors allowed for the distinction between receptor blocking药物作为(中性)拮抗剂和逆受体激动剂




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