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作者(年代):让�ois Hocquette

根据目前的消费趋势,肉类需求可能会增加约50-75%,因为到2050年全球人口将超过90亿。此外,消费者越来越关注与牲畜生产系统、动物福利或气候变化相关的问题。为了应对这些挑战,几年来提出了不同的选择方案。其中之一是人造肉的生产,它是基于最初从有限数量的活动物身上取样的肌肉细胞增殖而产生大量肌肉纤维。由于有效的传播策略,这种人造肉的支持者已经成功地吸引了科学家和公共媒体的兴趣。细胞培养是众所周知的,特别是在医学研究中,并在研究实验室中取得成功。这就是为什么越来越多的初创企业(2020年将达到40-50家)正在开发这些技术,以便在不久的将来为消费者提供“人造肉”而不是肉类。然而,存在着重大的技术困难,限制了高效、低成本的大规模生产。此外,在质地、感官和营养特征方面,与动物肉的相似性较差,并且没有考虑到肉类老化以优化这些特征的过程。其他选项可以分为两个不同的选项族。 The first one includes, in addition to cultured meat, other high-tech approaches such as animal cloning or genetic modification. It also includes processed foods with new protein sources from plants, fungi, algae or insects. The second group based on agroecology includes orientation of livestock farming systems towards bio-economy (those parts of the economy that use renewable biological resources). As example, this includes traditional more extensive livestock systems and grass-fed cattle and sheep. Grazing systems are indeed the best to convert low-grade cellulose from grass and other forages into high quality products in terms of organoleptic and nutritional traits (i.e. milk, meat), making ruminants very efficient animals.
