



固体废物管理(SWM)是一项一般的福利管理,其重要性经常被淡化。在垃圾管理面临的强大挑战因普遍的福祉危机(例如Covid-19大流行)而加剧之际,垃圾管理作为一种根本帮助的真正核心地位逐渐显现出来。新型冠状病毒(Covid-19)的发生和传播促使尼日利亚文化的各个部分发生了轰动的变化,包括SWM框架,在那里,正式和随意的屏幕角色经常以一种不舒服的关系共存。不幸的是,尼日利亚在Covid-19大流行期间和之后对强浪费的综合管理方法不足,导致尼日利亚在废物管理和战略过程中进一步拒绝使用临时区域。本文审查了尼日利亚Covid-19大流行的情况,区分了强废物管理的战略漏洞,并突出了Covid-19与SWM之间的联系,最终目标是在尼日利亚促进全面的强废物管理和可支持性战略。有人认为,认识到休闲经济是限制可行的SWM战略的基本初始步骤,其中包括必要的合作伙伴。尤其在这一时期,将浪费劳动力和行政部门的工作视为一个基本组成部分是至关重要的。浪费分类对于防止浪费的发展和使区域远离浪费至关重要,从而使其他基本行政部门能够继续进行。这就是英国政府允许浪费工人获得“关键专家”地位的原因,这意味着他们将在当前的冠状病毒危机期间继续接受对孩子的教育和照顾安排,因此他们可以选择继续进行基本管理,并被许多不同的国家授予基本服务。此外,每个地区/社区当局都需要制定紧急行动计划,以确保基本的废物管理工作无论如何都应该持续下去,以确保在流行病爆发之前不包括额外的福祉危险。 Emergency courses of action should include elective answers for staff, vehicles, irresistible waste, amassing of waste, washing, purification, and road cleaning administrations. The guideline behind the exhortation is that it isn't perilous for people to deal with their own recyclables in their own homes, since they can just taint themselves and their families, in the event that they are as of now wiped out or regardless uncovered. The wellspring of peril and crosscontamination is in the interface between the generator - viewed as an individual releasing or keeping their recyclables and waste into an open framework - and the handler - the expert who is accomplishing something with the recyclable materials or the remaining waste. Under this we incorporate the conventional waste and reusing frameworks yet in addition casual and semi-formal procedures extending from a network or general store reusing focus, a reclaim machine, to a low-pay network where numerous individuals are engaged with (casual) reusing or a swap meets or web based recycled exchange. A portion of these procedures are straightforwardly inside the control of legislative organizations or their private area operators, some can be by implication tended to by administrative foundations, and some are outside of any administrative or guideline office impact. Regardless, in view of the most recent logical data accessible, the microbe tainting is insignificant following 72 hours even on hard surfaces. The primary wellsprings of contamination according to waste and reusing will as a rule come at the interface between the generator and the handler. To be increasingly explicit, the second that an expert needs to come in physical contact with squander or recyclables from different people who may be contaminated. The direction should be evident that its essential objective is to address forms.







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