

农业干旱灾害脆弱性评估:以莱索托马菲滕区Thabana Morena KotiSe-Phola社区委员会为例


莱索托80%以上人口的生计依赖于雨养农业(IFRC, 2009),在干旱时期,当地社区遭受严重的干旱影响。这项研究的主要重点是评估Koti-Se-Phola社区委员会(CC)对农业干旱的脆弱性,以确定脆弱的条件;谁和什么会受到干旱的影响,审查研究地区用于抗旱的应对机制,并向有关决策者提供关于干旱的信息,以用于有效的干预措施。本研究采用定量和定性方法,选取5个村庄作为样本。所选样本包括有工作和失业的受访者。本研究考虑的总样本量为102。向户主分发了调查问卷,并与Ha Bofihla农业项目的农业推广干事进行了面谈,征求专家意见并核实从户主那里得到的答复。在Microsoft Excel中捕获数据进行分析,采用SPSSV16进行可靠性检验,Cronbach alpha系数为0.764。根据选定的干旱指标,建立了干旱脆弱性综合指数。这项研究的主要发现是,Koti-Se-Phola社区委员会被发现容易受到干旱和其他新兴问题的影响,如高失业率,老年居民的另一种收入是每月450 M450的养老金。 Government responses to drought were found to be inadequate. Very few animals-labour especially cows were used for draught power in ploughing. However, many have devised means to cope with drought through stockpiling of maize stalks, using lekhale and torofeiye as well as chicken droppings to feed their cattle during droughts. Socially, some members have been sent away for job-seeking and others especially young boys were forced to pick up piece jobs as shepherds to reduce food consumption and social burden on the families. The general Agricultural Vulnerability Index was 0.4874 which complemented the qualitative results about the high vulnerability conditions at KotiSe-Phola Community Council. Suggestions were made by the respondents that employment-generating and poverty alleviation projects should be put in place such as, the installation of irrigation systems at Makhaleng River. Agricultural conservation projects were also requested that could curb high soil erosion identified in the study area. Given the current drought vulnerability situation, the researchers strongly recommend amongst others diversified livelihoods and increased agricultural conservation where unskilled community members could still earn a sustainable living even during dry spells
