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香蕉树属于芭蕉属,是原产于东南亚的大型多年生草本植物。从植物学的角度来看,麝香属被分为两个部分:可食用和野生物种。所有成熟的香蕉都有野生二倍体和半受精的不可食用亲本,特别是尖蕉(AA)和香蕉(BB)。无核三倍体无核无性系生产了大部分的香蕉消费。有三种可食用的香蕉。首先,有甜点??香蕉(AAA),它的含糖量很高。它包括卡文迪什、大米歇尔和菲格玫瑰亚群,以及大多数栽培香蕉。这些通常是用于导出的类型。它们的制造过程需要大量的投入,并基于单一的特定模型,没有旋转。 Second, at maturity, cooking bananas (AAB) have a high carbohydrate content. Plantain bananas make up the majority of this group. Third, the ABB triploid group is represented by more hardy bananas, the fruits of which must be cooked before consumption. Bananas are grown in tropical and subtropical climates in more than 120 nations across five continents. After rice, wheat, and maize, banana output is the world???s fourth largest in terms of tonnage. Global production in 2013 was anticipated to be around 106 million tonnes, including 2 million tonnes produced in the Caribbean. Only a small portion, however, is generated for commercial uses. Self-sufficiency is scheduled for at least 85 % of the population. It???s all about cooking bananas here. The dessert banana, on the other hand, is typically grown for export. Bananas produced in gardens provide a reasonable income in many underdeveloped nations.