


作者(年代):萨拉瓦南,C Hentry V Joevivek N Chandrasekar

作用对沉积物波折射模式沿着南印度东部沿海运输这篇论文的目的是了解波折射模式和沿岸沉积物沿着南印度东部沿海运输。有地区水土流失和吸积观察沿着海岸延伸的方向主要取决于波方法,折射波的周期和波模式。在本研究区域的海岸区附近,沿着海岸沙的运动是由于波浪和洋流的作用。波折射现象是一个重要的过程负责影响沿海配置的变化。折射图因此已经准备波时间8和10秒钟接近从N 110 ? ?�和N 135 ? ?�按照Tarangam计划。这个项目是在国家海洋学研究所开发的,印度果阿。折射波分析划定不同的波浪能量条件的研究区域。有地区水土流失和吸积观察沿着海岸延伸的方向主要取决于波方法,折射波的周期和波模式。基于这项研究,波收敛和发散区确定参照波折射。 The long shore sediment transport is higher in the northerly direction as compared to southerly direction. The present study of littoral sediment transport implies that the beaches of Kanyakumari, Navaladi, and Ovari have more transport rates. Adaptive management of marine mammal populations in response to changing Arctic conditions Adaptive Management is a discretionary, learning-based approach to structured decision making that can be used in conjunction with the NEPA and Federal permitting processes. Adaptive Management includes the following steps: Predict, mitigate, implement, monitor, and adapt. The Adaptive Management process considers appropriate adjustments to federal Actions (i.e., decisions related to the issuance of permits and authorizations under multiple statutes). It also can be used to suggest innovative mitigation and monitoring tools as the results of current mitigation and monitoring procedures, as well as new science, become better understood. What role does climate change play in developing an agile Adaptive Management strategy for Arctic marine mammal populations? This presentation examines tools for managing the uncertainty that is inherent in any decision-making process, and presents a decision framework for integrating uncertainty due to changing Arctic conditions into Adaptive Management strategies for Arctic marine mammal populations. Climate change impacts must be addressed over broad spatial and temporal scales, and consideration will need to shift from historic species assemblages to a broader range of ecosystem services. Potential climate change scenarios such as the reduced extent of sea ice and altered air and water temperature regimes must be used to guide active adaptive strategies that will become a part of everyday management decisions. Adaptive Management allows resource managers to test assumptions, adjust policy, and incorporate learning into future decision making and management goals. By implementing a process to integrate potential climate change scenarios into the management of marine mammal populations, policies can be enacted to enhance conservation of these populations that may be facing serious declines. These declines may bedue not only to climate change, but also to multiple stressors such as prey limitation and habitat reduction. Potential climate change scenarios, as they apply to polar bear and walrus, are presented to show how active Adaptive Management can close some of the uncertainty gaps by using feedback loops during monitoring and implementation.






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