


作者(年代):n Abegunasekara

斯里兰卡传统医学的历史远远超过了伟大的拉瓦纳国王的时代。多年来,它根据人类的需要自主地发展了自己的道路。它作为一项伟大的遗产代代相传,有助于保持斯里兰卡民族的健康。斯里兰卡继承了传统的眼科医生,他们有伟大的神奇疗法和治疗程序。其中一种治疗方法是将传统的偏方捆绑在大脚趾上,用于屈光不正(Timira)。在看远处物体时出现屈光不正的眼睛被称为屈光不正或屈光不正。这只眼睛在不使用调节功能时,无法将平行光线(来自远处物体的光线)聚焦在视网膜上。“屈光不正”一词可与屈光不正或成像缺陷互换使用。屈光不正的类型包括近视、远视和散光。蒂米拉是阿育吠陀舒拉卡密宗中的一种情况,可以与屈光不正进行比较。 It is a disease that can be accredited to wide range of clinical conditions starting from mild blurring of vision and having potential risk of long-lasting vision loss. In this preliminary study, an outlook has been made on the relationship between the management of refractive errors (Timira) and binding traditional Sri Lankan remedies on great toe on feet. The Asian acupuncture techniques, theory of shad chakras have been contributed to clarifying this review. The spleen channel originates its superficial course on the medial side of the big toe and the relating organ of spleen channel is spleen. Spleen channel is related with manipoora chakra from shad-chakras. Thejo bhootha is related with manipoora chakra and vitiation of the samana vatha and pachaka pitha which belongs to manipoora chakra caused eye diseases. Therefore considering eye diseases, binding traditional medicine on the great toe has significant potency of relieving of them. The medicinal qualities of that remedies absorbed by the great toe and then it stimulates the manipoora chakra. The stimulation of manipoora chakra effects on the eye and reduce the eye diseases like refractive errors.
