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明胶是由胶原蛋白衍生而来的,由于其功能和技术特性,被广泛应用于各个行业。鱼类加工工业的副产品是生产明胶的潜在来源。鱼胶生产的高潜力是由于产生了大量的胶原蛋白副产物。明胶是从渔业废弃物中提取的一种有价值的有毒物质。由于鱼类废弃物的资源量大,而且明胶的生产成本不高,而且经常用于食品、制药和工业,从精选鱼类废弃物中提取明胶具有经济效益和成本效益。本研究的目的是从普通鲤鱼(Otolithes ruber)和大头鱼(Trichiurus lepturu)中提取明胶。本研究采用酸性和碱性工艺生产明胶。将样品浸入100 mL % 0.5的NaOH溶液中,分三次浸泡40分钟,中和后;样品在100 mL % 0.5的硫酸中浸泡3次,每次40分钟。中和后的样品分别置于柠檬酸中,分别为0.5%、1.5%和3%。 After re-neutralizing, samples were heated for 4 hours for production of gelatin. In finally, each sample were filtrated and dried. The results showed that common carp skin in pH = 6.5 had gelatin yield of 10% based on dry matter. Production yield of gelatin from fish Large head hair tail in first, second and third treatments at pH = 6.5 were 5.1 %, 7.3 %, and 1.3 % respectively. However , the temperature effect (three levels 70, 75 and 80°C and pH ( level 5.6 ) were evaluated on the gelatin yield content. Results showed that with a temperature of 70°C and pH with 5.6, gelatin yield was the highest and best quality.
