


作者(年代):Heloa桑托斯,里卡多·伯纳德,Boniek R G Vaz和安德里亚·查维斯戈亚斯大学,巴西

法医科学旨在识别的起源原因死亡或犯罪,或评估人类行为,通常应用于交通安全,机动车的操作,以及在运动中掺杂,或展示分析体液如尿液、血液和口服液体(的)。法医毒理学应用说明的问题发生在中毒相关的法律诉讼。重要的是要选择合适的矩阵为目的的情况下药物的滥用。和尿液矩阵包括简单和non-invasiveness集合。最近的是一个指标的药物摄入和紧密的关系比尿液和血浆浓度免费药收集过程可以现场在密切监督下完成。等非传统生物液体、药物分析和尿液,吸引兴趣是由于最近的立法变化在巴西和更大的警方监控。然而,复杂的矩阵样本有大量内生,外生和其他干扰化合物。通过这种方式,样品制备快速、灵敏的分析方法是一个重要的工具。纸喷雾电离(PSI)已成为一个环境电离质谱(MS)分析方法。这源具有操作简便,快速分析、低成本和它在法庭科学显示了巨大的潜力,但PS性能依赖于衬底的表面性质(纸)。 Paper modified with graphene oxide (GO-paper) was applied for creatinine analysis in urine samples. The PSI-GO/MS method showed acceptable linearity (0.1-100.0 ppm) with R2 values greater than 0.991. Precision values were between 1.1 to 6.8% and accuracy above 96.8%. Restricted access materials (RAM) are able to exclusion of endogenous compounds and extraction of analytes in just one step. So, another methodology was applied with internal surface reversed phase (ISRP-RAM) on the paper for proteins exclusion in complex samples by MS analysis. Catecholamines and antidepressants were identified by ISRP-RAM/ MS with 98.9% of protein exclusion, linear range in 10.0-1000.0 ppb, precision values lower 15%, accuracy and recoveries between 85.6 and 101.9%. Another way to apply PSI-MS was with molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) synthesized directly on the paper surface (cellulose membrane) for cocaine analysis. The membrane containing MIP was selective and had a greater signal intensity than chromatographic paper and non-imprinted polymers (NIP) by PSI-MS. MIP-PSI method was acceptable linearity (1-100 ppb) with R2 values greater than 0.998. The methods showed accuracy and precision values below 15%, recoveries above 80%. The use of conductive polymers (CP) as a substrate in PSI-MS has applied some pharmaceuticals, abuse drugs and adulterants, metabolites and CP-paper showed higher absolute intensity signal compared to the conventional filter paper. The linearity and performance of CP-coated papers were demonstrated for a range of analytes, proving that CP-coated papers are alternative for use in the qualitative and quantitative analysis. In addition, the results were promising and analysis time by classical methods, such as liquid chromatography (LC-MS). All techniques were standardized and validated according to ANVISA???s normative.




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