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当涉及到加工食品时,标准的协调是世界各地监管机构最重要的任务之一。全球食品贸易,特别是加工食品贸易必须采用和遵循统一的标准。近年来,几乎每个国家都开始了对加工食品采用统一编码(食品编码系统)的进程。在印度,FSSAI也紧跟食品工业的全球趋势,重点关注关键能力建设项目,根据其产生的要求。FSSAI已经将加工食品划分为不同的类别,考虑到协调有序的实践。加工食品一共有18类。产品分类基于;A)生食品的来源,b)生食品的类型,c)生产过程,d)加工食品的类型。类别1至17是产品,明确定义。所有其他不能如此明确分类的产品被列为第18类,被指定为第99类。本文以婴幼儿奶粉为例,对不同国家采用的标准进行了比较。 It is the comparative study of how infant milk powder is described by regulatory authorities of different countries. How infant milk is defined and the specifications are stipulated as standards for it. The comparison has been done taking into account the regulations of FSSAI, EU and USFDA. From the study, it is evident that there remain a lot of gap areas which need to be bridged in order to ensure that the consumers across the world get quality food of same standards. The outcome of this study will be useful for all stake holders of processed food(infant milk powder)across the world. In India, there are a large number of products of this category in the market, the manufacturers and consumers will benefit from findings of this study.