


作者(年代):Heidi Schalchli, Briceno G和Diez M C

白腐真菌在生态系统中发挥重要作用,主要是因为它们的细胞外酶系统和氯代芳香族化合物的产生,这些化合物充当有机物的分解者、保护真菌的抗生素、甲基供体和/或生成H2 O2氧化酶的底物。本研究以马铃薯皮(PP)和废马铃薯(DP)为营养支持材料,研究了A. discolor Sp4对木素溶解酶和抗真菌挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的产量。锰依赖过氧化物酶(MnP)通过监测2,6 -二甲氧基苯酚的氧化来评估。除了MnP的生产,雷唑艳蓝R (RBBR)的变色也用定性测定。采用双室平板法测定了VOCs对米黑毛霉和尖孢镰刀菌的抑菌活性。最后,采用顶空固相微萃取和气相色谱质谱法对菌丝培养物释放的VOCs进行分析。MnP和MiP活性在孵育第15天达到最高(163 U L-1和24 U L-1),并观察到RBBR完全变色。虽然两种马铃薯废弃物都具有木素溶解活性,但PP处理的MnP活性高于DP处理。在PP琼脂和DP琼脂培养基上,黄僵菌挥发物分别抑制了约62%和76%的米黑菌菌丝生长。然而,植物致病菌F. oxysporum被轻微抑制(约10%)。 The major VOCs detected were chlorinated aromatic compounds (over 50% relative area). The obtained natural products have multiple biotechnological applications among which are pollutant degradation and plant protection increase efficacy. The valorization of agro-industrial wastes as nutritional supports for producing bio-products offers farmers and agro-industry product diversification and improved environmental sustainability. The use of these wastes as substrates for microbial cultivation is currently an active field of research, allowing for energy to be saved and reducing environmental waste disposal (Dhillon et al. 2011; Obruca et al. 2015; Gopalan and Nampoothiri 2016). Some of the most interesting bio-products are biofuels and high value chemical compounds (e.g. antimicrobials, antioxidants, pigments and industrial enzymes) (Gassara et al. 2010; Hughes et al. 2014; Rodrigues et al. 2014; Schalchli et al. 2015). Different food wastes from the agro-industry and their potential recoveries have been studied, with fruits and vegetables being the most promising sources of valuable compounds (Mirabella et al. 2014). Among them, potato solid wastes (PSW) have been reported as an interesting source of carbohydrates, proteins and micronutrients that can be used as raw materials for the growth of fungi and synthesis of their bio-products (Rosales et al. 2002; Schieber and Saldaña 2009). Currently, PSW represents a disposal problem in numerous potato production and processing systems, since ~40 to 50% of the total production is unsuitable for human consumption constituting a source of plant pathogens (Charmley et al. 2006). Microbial growth is supported by media with a high content of starch (approx. 50% dry weight), which is one of the best carbon sources for some white-rot fungi (WRF) for growth and degradation of organic molecules, such as recalcitrant dyes (Revankar and Lele 2007).

WRF由其通常在次级代谢过程中产生的特征非特异性细胞外酶识别,并可与广泛的底物相互作用,包括木素溶解废物、顽固染料和有机污染物。漆酶(Lac)是研究最多的木素溶解酶之一,因为它在处理含有各种染料和其他芳香化合物的工业废水方面具有巨大潜力,即使在高温和高离子浓度下也是如此(Dhillon等,2012;Yan et al. 2014)。大量研究报告了Lac的多种生物技术应用,这些研究揭示了提高其产量、提高其效率和降低其生产成本的必要性(Dhillon et al. 2012;Akpinar和Urek 2014)。因此,在固体条件下,使用马铃薯皮和大麦麸皮的混合物促进由Trametes hirsuta介导的微生物过程,可以显著降低Lac的生产成本(Rosales等,2002年)。
除了木素溶解活性外,WRF还能够利用堆肥农用工业废物作为营养支持来合成抗菌化合物。尽管对利用农用工业废物和木质纤维素废物合成抗真菌化合物的研究少于对其木素溶解酶的研究,但也有报道了有趣的抗菌活性(Akyus和Kirbag 2009)和有趣的化学产品的合成(Sánchez 2009;Schalchli et al. 2015)。在之前的研究中,我们报道了在PSW上生长的WRF释放出具有抗真菌活性的挥发性化合物,其中发现了从顶空间提取的氯化芳香烃和倍半萜(Schalchli et al. 2015)。然而,很少有研究将WRF代谢产物的合成与木素溶解酶的活性联系起来。Teunissen和Field(1998)证明WRF能够合成氯化茴香醇,在真菌木素溶解系统中发挥重要的生理作用,作为氧化还原介质,有助于保护真菌免受其细胞外木素溶解酶的影响。
