


作者(年代):Pratiyush Vashisth

根据标准的大爆炸模型,宇宙诞生,在通货膨胀时期,大约在138亿年前开始的。像一个迅速膨胀的气球,它膨胀的大小小于电子接近当前大小内的一小部分。最初,宇宙到处只是充满了能量。一些能量凝结成了粒子,这些粒子组合形成了轻原子氢和氦。轻原子组成的星系,恒星,在炙热的星系中其他元素都是伪造的。这是我们的宇宙的起源的通常描述描述了科学家。该模型解释了很多事情,比如时空在大尺度上的平滑和均匀分布的宇宙星系的两侧。但有时他们的事让小不舒服的接受理论。宇宙理论即接受了在它的早期历史上的快速通胀不能轻易接受,它依赖于宇宙中存在一种神秘的能量开始,早已消失了。”一些科学家,通货膨胀是一个笨重的大爆炸模型之外,附加必要的复杂性,使其符合观测。这不会是最后一个。 ”We’ve also learned there has to be dark matter in the universe, and now dark energy,” said Paul Steinhardt, a theoretical physicist at Princeton University. ”So the way the model works today is you say, ’OK, you take some Big Bang, you take some inflation, you tune that to have the following properties, then you add a certain amount of dark matter and dark energy.’ These things aren’t connected in a coherent theory.” If you talk about a line segment than we know about the start and end of that line segment. In the same way we are taking the Universe a line segment so that we know where is the begining and the end of universe. But to be clear it is not that much simple as we thought of it,instead it is way more complex than tha
