


作者(年代):里达H Sammour Radwan SA和米拉米

一些物种属苋属植物的种植谷物或离开。一些其他有用的五颜六色的观赏植物。庄稼在干旱地区非常有前途的粮食作物,由于其耐热性,吃水、疾病和害虫。这个属遗传多样性研究提供信息传播至关重要,驯化和育种项目以及基因资源保护。因此,本文专门对野生和栽培品种之间的遗传多样性和评估栽培物种之间的进化关系及其假定的物种使用广泛可用的标记。苋属植物物种之间的形态差异和不同的蔬菜苋属植物报道登记入册。这个变化是有用的品种农艺性状的改良。苋属植物物种的染色体数目通常是2 n = 32 (n = 16),但有时它是34 (n = 17)。有人建议,配子数n = 17起源于n = 16通过三倍体。分析主要是由许多稳性染色体和亚中间着丝粒的。 There is a variation in chromosome size between Amaranthus spp. and the accessions of each species. Based on cytological data, it was proposed that A. hybridus is the putative ancestors of the cultivated amaranths. Buffer extracts of seed storage proteins of taxa of Amaranthus spp. analyzed on SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions divided Amaranthus taxa into two groups; group with n=17 and the other group with n=16, indicating the relation between the chromosome number and the electrophoretic pattern. The electrophorectic patterns of the seed proteins of amaranth species can be used to discriminate between Amaranthus species. Isozymes markers showed low heterozygosity in the New World populations of Amaranthus. A wide genetic distance was detected between crop and weed species.Alleles at several loci proved to be diagnostic of the crop and weed groups. High levels of interspecific and intraspecific variation were found between Amaranthus spp using isozyme marker. Biochemical and molecular data sets supported a monophyletic origin of grain amaranths, with A. hybridus as the common ancestor. The molecular data showed genetic variation among and within the populations of Amaranthus spp. and indicated that genetic diveristy within wild was lower than grain species.




  • 谷歌学术搜索
  • 打开J门
  • 中国国家知识基础设施(CNKI)
  • 宇宙如果
  • 目录索引》杂志上的研究(DRJI)
  • Scholarsteer
  • 秘密搜索引擎实验室
  • 欧元的酒吧

