



费米悖论是在平庸假设下,在一个已知有丰富的行星和生命前体化学物质的宇宙中,宇宙出乎意料的寂静。在宇宙中最近的类地行星火星上,火星大气中129Xe的浓度,来自火星北部年轻部分80氪丰度的强烈1014/cm2通量的证据,以及在火星表面探测到的铀和钍的过量丰度模式,相对于火星陨石,可以解释为过去火星上发生的两次大型热核爆炸。根据钍和放射性钾伽马辐射的模式,爆炸集中在北部平原的酸海(Mare Acidalium),大约在北纬50度,西经30度,靠近塞多尼亚门萨(Cydonia Mensa),以及乌托邦平原(Utopia Planum),大约在银河混沌(Galaxias Chaos),北纬50度,西经120度,这两个地方都可能有考古文物。火星大气的氙同位素质谱与地球上的露天核试验相匹配,具有快中子裂变的特征,而不是由慢化核反应堆产生的特征。40Ar的高丰度不能用大气损失期间的质量分馏来解释,必须是39K上中子捕获的结果,也需要火星表面强烈的中子通量,正如17N和氘的高丰度一样。将火星大气中的129Xe成分建模为快中子裂变,将80Kr建模为来自全行星碎片层的延迟中子,并假设铀-钍外壳爆炸分解成全行星范围的碎片层,残留10%,所有三个估计都达到大约10 25 J,或10 10兆吨的当量。这与地球上的希克苏鲁伯事件类似,足以造成全球灾难并改变火星的全球气候。现场没有弹坑表明爆炸中心在地面之上。爆炸是由于非常大的聚变裂变装置,类似于地球上看到的设计,最大的Acidalia装置,半径约为80米。爆炸似乎与两个可能的考古遗址有关,这两个遗址形成了塞多尼亚假说的基础。 The Cydonian Hypothesis is therefore reconsidered in the light of new imaging and geochemical data. A model of Earthlike eroded archeology is adopted for comparison with Mars artifacts using the pyramids at Giza and the Sphinx and Olmec heads as analogs under the Principle of Mediocrity with attention to details. The new images of the Face at Cydonia Mensa confirm eyes, nose, mouth, helmet structure with additional detail of nostrils and helmet ornaments being clearly seen in new images with details at approximately 1/10 scale of the face. New imagery confirms the pyramid structure seen in Viking images of the The D&M pyramid and new high resolution images show evidence of collapsed brickwork. New images of a face found at Galaxias Chaos (the Utopia site) confirms facial structure with eyes, nose, mouth and helmet. High resolution imagery shows symmetric brickwork around the nose region. The civilization appears to have been primitive and indigenous to Mars. Taken together, the evidence suggests that Mars was the locale of a planetary nuclear massacre. The answer to Fermi’s Paradox may thus lie on Mars. It is recommended that a mission for human occupation of Mars be immediately initiated to maximize knowledge of what transpired there.
