


作者(年代):K。Shrivastava R.R.Jha

近年来,无机组分在生物系统已经收到越来越多的关注。大约30个元素被认为是必要的生活[4]。一些散装是必需的,或者至少在宏观量,基本上在所有形式的生命。H的重要元素,钠、钾、镁、钙、C, N, O, P, S和Cl。其他发生在跟踪数量,虽然铁、铜和锌的顶端AA“traceAA”规模,显然是也必不可少,或在leastmost形式的生命。网络化的角色扮演bymetallic元素之一生物化学是inmetaloenzymes和酶催化。金属原子在酶催化的作用目前是一个活跃的研究课题。微量元素无疑起着重要的作用病理学和生理学的生物系统。因此,益生菌细菌培养的影响和mineralmixture单独或在24日combinationwas研究明显健康断奶兔子的6周。在第六周的年龄,所有的兔子被随机分为五组。每组有6只兔子。非标准组之间的差异。组G1被认为是对照组保持基底饮食没有益生菌和矿物质的混合物。G2和G3组mineralmixture supplementedwith 2%和4%,分别出具的基底的饮食。集团与60克G4was补充益生菌与基底的饮食而G5组和60克补充益生菌和2%矿物混合物以及基底的饮食。目前的结果显示,兔子的G5和G4团体总serumprotein值相比,明显高于其他饮食治疗。观察血糖水平最高的G5组G4集团紧随其后。 The total serum cholesterol level was reduced significantly in treatment groups as compared to control group suggesting that these feed supplements may reduce the cholesterol level and may be helpful in preventing atherosclerosis or other cardiac diseases. The highest level of lipid in blood of rabbit was observed in G5 group. The AST, ALT and ALP in serum of the rabbits did not differ significantly among treatment groups and control group indicating that these feed supplements have no adverse effect on liver, kidney, heart or other vital organs. Variation in the level of Sodium and Potassium in serum was non significant among treated group and control group. Theywere in their physiological level indicating that supplementation of probiotics/ yeast culture and mineral mixture did not change the ratio of these minerals in the blood. It further supported that these feed supplements have no adverse effect on kidney. A reduction in the cholesterol level despite increase in total lipid suggested that their effect on lipid metabolism might be leading to lower the blood level of unwanted saturated fatty acid while increasing the level of unsaturated essential fatty acids which can be concluded as most important positive effect of these feed supplements.
