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作者(年代):m . Arya r·沙玛和d Das

新型可持续农业是至关重要的组成部分。在固氮根瘤菌发挥重要的作用。以前泥炭Rhizobial菌剂被认为是作为一个理想的载体,但优质泥炭在印度是不可用的。所以一些生物性载体(晒干的,绵羊和山羊的粪便,肥料)累了运营商。认为有机质的分解产物是不那么复杂,容易Rhizobial增长。他们的物理化学特征与泥炭相比,这应该是一个Rhizobial菌剂的理想载体。粒子密度对SD SM增加但对GD通用减少;有机物(SD的百分比。SM;GD GM)减少分解,有机物质分解后产生的二氧化碳W.H.C. (SD, SM; GD to GM) increases on decomposition which supported the view that the polysaccrides which are ultimate products of organic matter’s decomposition will bind several particles together discrete structural units, which allow more water to infiltrates and less to run off (high permeability) ‘N’ content decreases for both (SD. to SM; GD to GM) but C/N ratio increases (SD. to SM; GD to GM) i.e. availability of ‘N’ content increases P2O5 content increases on decomposition in both cases. Surprisingly for all, pH changes from acidic to alkaline range. On comparison with Kashmiri peat the overall order of suitability of carriers was SM > GM > GD >. SD W.H.C, C/N ratio and P2O5 content are the deciding factor. Population data of BK2 isolate on different carriers of 80 mesh size at 28oC and 50% W.H.C was studied upto 150 days and found that the order of suitability is GM > SM > SD > GD so it can be concluded decomposed product proves better carrier for Rhizobial inoculant than its undecomposed product. In set where cow urine is used for maintaining W.H.C the rhizobial population increases abruptly in GD which is confirmed by pot experiments, number of nodules as well as plant weight is more in the plants of pot where seeds were inoculated by carrier material which is treated with cow urine for maintatance of W.H.C. Use of cow urine act as growth promoting as well as biopestisde. In cow urine urea, uric acid, allantoin and creatinine all are antibacterial, antimicrobial agents, free aminoacids and ammonia are source of nitrogen helpful in growth. The potential of improving Rhizobial inculants with cow urine treatement (disease control agent) is immense.




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