


作者(年代):Mallikarjuna N. Nadagouda

与物理、自然科学和工程中的许多其他学科相比,环境科学和工程是年轻的专业。在短短几十年的时间里,科学、工程及其相关技术的进步和新的环境应用已经融合成一种看待世界的全新方式。科学是对物理世界的解释,而工程则包含了科学应用以取得成果。因此,我们通过试验和错误对环境的了解逐渐成长为现在环境科学和工程的标准实践。这种通过启发式方法获得的知识已经付出了巨大的代价,因为错误、糟糕的决策(至少回顾起来是这样)以及缺乏对环境影响的认识造成了生命和疾病的损失。环保意识当然更加主流了。与20世纪70年代相比,这已不再是一个两极分化的问题,当时的关键立法反映了新的环境风气。在整个20世纪,旨在保护包括空气质量在内的自然资源的法律数量稳步增长。20世纪60年代以后,随着公众意识和关注的增加,此类立法呈指数级增长。值得注意的是,1970年的《清洁空气法》(Clean Air Act)规定,通过要求联邦政府制定环境空气质量标准,国家需要减少空气污染。 This was accomplished by requiring state and local jurisdictions to implement plans to achieve air quality standards and to require sources of air pollution to decrease emissions. There has been a steady march of advances in environmental science and engineering for several decades, as evidenced by the increasing number of Ph.D. dissertations and credible scientific journal articles addressing a myriad of environmental issues. Corporations and government agencies, even those whose missions are not considered to be ???environmental???, have established environmental programs. Arguably, a more complete understanding of atmospheric processes is one of the more emergent areas of environmental science and technology; growing from the increasing awareness of air pollution and advances of control technologies in the twentieth century. However, the roots of the science of air pollution can be traced to the Ancients. The environmental sciences, including its subdisciplines specializing in air pollution, apply the fundamentals of chemistry, physics, and biology, and their derivative sciences such as meteorology, to understand these abiotic6 and biotic relationships. Expanding these observations to begin to control outcomes is the province of environmental engineering. As scientists often do, systematic and specific explanations must be applied to practical knowledge. So, biologists and their subdisciplines began to specialize in what came to be known as the environmental sciences. Health scientists, like Paracelsus and William Harvey, provided insights into how the human body interacts with and reacts to environmental stimuli. In fact, Paracelsus' studies of metal contamination and exposure to miners may well be among the earliest examples of environmental epidemiology. Environmental Science: An Indian Journal publishes one volume each year with new articles being added instantly. The journal encourages research scientists, faculty, and students who are actively involved in scientific research and/or teaching at all levels, to submit their articles for intensive peer-reviewing and expedite publishing. Individuals from small and non-research oriented institutions are especially encouraged to submit their original articles for publication consideration.The journal work as a platform for researchers to foster the scientific facts and figures. Submit manuscript here: https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/environmental-science-an-indian-journal.html






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