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食品安全已成为全球食品贸易最重要的标准。对人类消费而不是食品质量、食品安全、食品安全、食品安全风险等一些常见的术语尤其是对加工食品。尽管事实上,进口国主要来自发达国家别无选择,但购买以外,它仍然作为一个buyersa ? ?市场而不是sellers.a ? ?输出国的食物,主要是发展中国家相互竞争来获取市场。食典委是一个这样的组织,致力于确保食品安全方面的货物。奇怪的是安全的名义,发达国家解决残留的限制很低,很难满足。发展中国家经常抱怨对它极其严重的贸易壁垒措施。为了处理这样的传染问题,世贸组织的建立。任何质量和安全是指WTO的争端。 Whether the limits for residue contaminants in food are fixed scientifically, it is checked to decide on disputes. For fixing limits of residues various aspects are needed to be studies. Toxicological dossier as well as Chemical dossier of each of the contaminants is prepared to fix limits. Here, it must also be mentioned that detection limits of modern instruments is another important point to be taken into account in this matter. All the above aspects are covered in this presentation for the benefit of stake holders of food especially the food processing industries. This paper will be a comprehensive document about dimensions of food safety which covers all above mentioned areas of concern for all including consumers.
