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生活在尼日利亚拉各斯ojo河岸边的螃蟹(amnicola callinectes amnicola)的近矿物含量的测定

作者(年代):B. A.莫隆科拉,R. A.奥洛乌,O. O.托维德,O. O.阿尤尤

研究了螃蟹羊角刺的组织、脆肢和行走腿的近因(蛋白质、灰分、脂肪和水分含量)和矿物成分(钙、铁和锌)。微凯氏定氮法测定的粗蛋白质含量在19.2 ~ 28.3 g/100 g之间。结果表明,蟹类样品蛋白质含量最高,其中蟹类组织蛋白质含量最高(28.00±0.071%);233±0.066%)和脆皮(19.820±0.069%)。粗纤维和粗脂肪的含量分别为0.02 ~ 11.70%和0.6 ~ 1.020%。步行腿粗纤维含量较高,分别为11.070±0.037%,脆脆部位粗纤维含量分别为0.023±0.071%和6.680±0.074%。所有被测部位水分含量在67.37±0.226% ~ 70.046±0.049%之间。脆腿、行走腿和组织中灰分含量分别为1.040±0.017%、1.300±0.001 %和1.041±0.002%。用原子吸收分光光度计测定钙、铁、锌的含量。钙在脆化部位的含量最高,为850 μg/g ~ 900 μg/g,铁在脆化部位的含量最低,为690 μg/g ~ 820 μg/g。而锌的浓度最低,在组织中为128 μg/g,在行走腿中为388 μg/g。 The concentrations of the mineral content were within the allowed daily requirement for zinc, iron and calcium per day respectively. Therefore, the crab callinectes amnicola could be a balanced human diet and could be employed as an alternative dietary supplement of protein and mineral matter minerals in the body. Hence the consumption of crabs would help to prevent nutritional deficiencies in the future.
