



这本书由Khadijah Alavi和Ann Wan Seng撰写,包含了马来西亚虐待和忽视儿童案件的完整背景。这是由于虐待和忽视儿童的案件急剧增加,这成为一个非常令人担忧的社会问题。这本书包括了关于虐待儿童的案例的研究,包括身体、情感、性和忽视,这些儿童虐待的互动模式被用作研究的框架。在这本书中,除了施暴者自己的性格,还包括社会经济地位、婚姻关系破裂、文化规范和行为因素等造成虐待的原因。如今,虐待和忽视儿童的现象急剧增加,这是社会和政府非常令人担忧的社会问题之一。马来西亚虐待和忽视儿童的发生率需要研究和研究。这项研究的基本目标是审查对儿童的身体虐待、性虐待和忽视四类虐待,并查明导致虐待的因素。这项研究的独特之处在于它是在吉隆坡大学医院的儿科病房进行的,为期一年,即1994年1月至12月。13岁以下儿童入住儿科病房作为样本。受害人住在病房的时间为两天或两天以上,视情况的严重程度而定。 This study is quite different from previous studies because it uses anthropological approach. Model interaction of child abuse used as a frame of the study. This is because it is an approach that encompasses all factors as a whole to study the problem of abuse and neglect of children. External and internal factors such as socioeconomic status of the family system, marital rift parents, actors personality, social networks, cultural norms and behavioral factors are also considered victims in analyzing cases of abuse and neglect of children. Personality actors and the lack of interaction in the family system were found to be the underlying factors that lead to child abuse. However, no one single factor is the main cause in cases of abuse and neglect of children. All the factors mentioned above are interconnected so that they form a social problem that is complicated and complex to be diagnosed, whether this incident was an accident, illness or injury inflicted. What is even more distressing abuse of children has reached a critical level where people have lost a sense of humanity and concern in providing education to children who are still toddle in life. Children born in a state of pure and the one who shaping the children into good or evil is the guardian. Children are like a piece of white cloth and are the responsibility of parents to make sure it is not contaminated. It is the responsibility of all to protect them from negative elements that were attacking contemporary society. Found to be 2 to 15 cases of abuse are reported every week in Malaysia. These figures show how serious the problem of child abuse in Malaysia. Since 1990 the number of cases reported to the authorities increased between 10-15 percent per annum. During 1985 to 1992 a total of 935 cases of child abuse have been referred to the police and this number continues to rise until it reaches into the thousands. It should be noted this number does not include cases that have not been reported or referred to the authorities. It is estimated that this number will continue to increase over time. Over a period of eight years, namely 1985 to 1992, a total of 47 children who are abused have died after suffering severe injuries and had to endure throughout his life. Statistics released by the Social Welfare Department showed an increase of 27 per cent of cases in the whole country except for Sabah and Sarawak. In 1992, a total of 852 cases were reported and this number continues to increase to 1084 cases in 1993. In the past five years, from 1989 to 1993 a total of 3693 cases were reported. The figures show this is far more than a decade ago where in 1981 the number of cases reported in Peninsular Malaysia only amounted to 93 cases. This figure is then increased to 970 cases 10 years later. It shows over the last decade the number of cases increased by 877 cases. The number of cases of child abuse is higher in the Federal Territory and Selangor due to the density of population which largely comes from rural areas. Pressure and high cost of living in the Klang Valley area causing many social problems such as living conditions uncomfortable, placement and traffic congestion, crime and so on.
