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作者(年代):r . j . Memon和麻省理工学院的塔利班战士

涂料发现他们在各领域的应用需要根据它们的目的。纸涂上任何类型和聚合物的性质,发现其广泛应用的性质取决于效用。纸,几年以来,用于衬里的容器来保护免受损害在运输和处理内容。纸袋纸是用来处理和保护材料的湿度。货币是由纸指出。涂料是非常重要的为了提高纸的物理和机械性能,增加耐用性纸和纸给额外的力量。涂料与常规聚合物如HDPE, LDPE, PVC, PP非常适合的目的,但它是不能被生物降解的。因此这对环境是有害的。搜索的PVA作为环保聚合物成为可能。早些时候,PVA涂层通过aq. PVA溶液对论文做了包装的目的。 Thickness increased to 158 μm, density increased to 0.46 g/cm3. Tensile and bursting strength improved remarkably. PVA coating was done for improving fastness properties of ink jet prints. Light fastness of paper improved from 2.32 for unprinted paper to 44.7 for printed paper. PVA coating was done on food granules for their protection from dust formation, moisture gain and breakage. Water content of uncoated paper was 5.17% whereas that of coated paper was 4.58%. PVA coating was done on SPIONs for functioning of medical device systems. MRI was sharp and contrast impression was observed for easy diagnosis of the disease. PVA coating was done on orthopedic implants in bone surgeries. Corrosion inhibition efficiency reached a value of 79.8%.
