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Kinetic Study of Mono-N-Ethyl-O-Toluidine Phosphate in Buffer Medium

Author(s):Homeshwari Yadav, Mithilesh Kumari Gupta and S. A. Bhoite

The aim of present work is to study the hydrolytic reactions of mono-N-ethyl-o-toluidine phosphate in buffer medium at 50 ± 0.5o C in the range of pH 0.00 to 7.80. The rate coefficients were determined from the rate of appearance of inorganic phosphate, spectrophotometrically by Allen’s modified method. Pseudo first order rate coefficients were obtained. The rate of reaction increases with increase in pH upto 4.00. The maximum value at pH 4.00 is due to hydrolysis via mononegative and neutral species. After pH 4.00 the rate of reaction decreases due to dissociation of mononegative species in to dinegative species. The nature of dinegative species have been found to be inert. The theoretical rate determined from specific rate and fractions of the neutral species agree closely with the experimental rates. Bond fission and bimolecular nature of hydrolysis have been supported by Arrhenius parameters and study of solvent effect. The hydrolysis of monoester involves P-N bond fission, which is strengthened by isokinetic relationship

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Citations : 4955

International Journal of Chemical Sciences received 4955 citations as per Google Scholar report

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  • Open J Gate
  • China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
  • Cosmos IF
  • Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

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