



姜黄素和单宁酸是天然存在的膳食多酚,已在各种动物模型中发挥和发现对癌症的化学预防作用。这项研究在220只(12-14周龄,每只25-30克)雌性小鼠上进行。小鼠被分为两个主要的大型实验。实验一:非荷瘤小鼠(NTB) 100只,分为4组,每组25只。第1组:经NTB对照生理盐水处理。第2组:ntb -姜黄素口服(350 mg/kg/天)治疗6周。第三组:ntb治疗单宁酸口服(160 mg/kg/天)6周。第4组:ntb用姜黄素和单宁酸按50%:50%的比例口服治疗6周。实验二:荷瘤小鼠。总共120只动物被分为四组,每组30只老鼠。 Group 1: TBM-control saline treated. Group 2: TBM-treated with curcumin orally (350 mg/kg/day) for 6 weeks. Group 3: TBM-treated with tannic acid orally (160 mg/kg/day) for 6 weeks. Group 4: TBM-treated with curcumin and tannic acid orally at ratio (50%:50%) for 6 weeks. Blood samples were collected from all animal groups after 2, 4 and 6 weeks from treatment. Serum were separated and processed directly for glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, total protein determination. The obtained results revealed that, a highly significant decrease in serum glucose, total cholesterol, total protein concentration, meanwhile, a highly significant increase in serum triacylglycerol concentration was also observed. But a nonsignificant decrease in serum insulin levels were observed in tumor bearing mice when compared with control. The results of this study indicated that curcumin, tannic acid and their combination treatment have potential benefits in cancer treatment.
本研究评估了葡萄籽提取物(GSE)对小鼠埃利希实体瘤(EST)诱导的肝组织改变的改善潜力。对照组输注生理盐水。第二组口服GSE (50 mg/kg,每日口服),持续2周。第三组被皮下注射了250万个EST细胞。第四组注射EST细胞,同时用GSE提取物处理。第五组注射EST细胞,保持2周至实体瘤出现,然后用GSE治疗2周。植物化学分析表明,GSE中含有总酚(17.442 mg GAE/g)和总黄酮(6.687 mg CE/g),抗氧化活性为81.506 mg TE/g DPPH。Ehrlich实体瘤可显著提高ALT、AST、ALP活性;血清甲胎蛋白(AFP)水平;以及肝增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)和肿瘤抑制蛋白(P53)的蛋白表达,以及诱导的肝组织DNA损伤和病理改变。 However, it significantly reduced serum albumin and total protein levels. In contrast, the co- or post-treatment of EST-bearing mice with GSE reduced the activities of ALT, AST, and ALP; the level AFP in serum; and hepatic P53 and PCNA protein expressions. In addition, it reduced EST-induced hepatic DNA damage and pathological alterations, while it increased serum albumin and total protein levels. This study suggested that GSE is a potent hepatoprotective agent and both co- and post-treatment of EST-bearing mice with GSE almost had the same effects. Graphical abstract.
